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I came to know of Christian Science in the following...
I came to know of Christian Science in the following manner. In the autumn of 1899 an acquaintance told me that an American lady, passing through Stuttgart, had given her an extraordinary book about healing by Christian Science, and asked me if I would like to read it. Taking it home, I read part of it; but, though somewhat impressed, I did not find it very interesting, and returned it. This book was "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."
I had been a great sufferer for many years. From childhood I was subject to sick-headaches, indigestion, and debility, and these evils had been aggravated by long residence in a hot climate, where malarial fever left me with liver and kidney disease. The numerous physicians, who were consulted in different countries, agreed that there was no hope of a complete cure, and condemned me to a life of invalidism.
After my return to Europe in 1892 I was found to be suffering from gall-stones, and was sent to Karlsbad four times, but without permanent benefit; the dreadful attacks always returned after a few months. Circumstances made it necessary that I should continue my teaching, and my condition was truly wretched. It was a constant struggle to keep up some appearance of health, and to perform my duties conscientiously while suffering tortures, and I looked longingly for the end of this life as a release.
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June 5, 1902 issue
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Christian Science and Suggestive Therapeutics
Clarence A. Buskirk
A Christian Scientist answers Rev. Dr. Utter
Alfred Farlow
Christian Science Claims
Norman E. John
The Lectures
with contributions from W. D. McCrackan, Thomas Edward Potterton, Robert J. Brock, Max Wertheimer, J. L. Foley
Lectures Abroad
Among the Churches
with contributions from Carrie Brown, Sarah M. Van Camp, Eda Wynkoop, Stacy Dorn, Della Githens, Chauncey Parsons, Clara H. Savory, Charles Kingsley
Wednesday Evening Meeting at Chicago
E. G. H. with contributions from Joseph Parker
The Real Man
By Caroline Washburn Rockwood.
As Wise Followers
By Herbert S. Fuller.
By J. E.
Our Tonic
By M. E. McA.
I was brought up in the Methodist faith
Mary E. Burrows with contributions from Amanda M. Kunz