Christian Science Restores Harmony

I was first attracted to Christian Science by the physical healing. For more than ten years I had been very sickly. I had been to all the best doctors in London, and they were most sympathetic and kind, but never did me the least good. One said my lungs were bad, another my heart, and a third that I was very anaemic. I was more dead than alive. I had constant fainting attacks, coughs, neuralgia, backache, and was always tired. The last doctor that I went to told me that I never would be well, and that I must therefore realize this and not attempt to do what others did. I was then sent abroad for the fourth time, and on my return, not being any better, was persuaded to try Christian Science. After being treated for six weeks, I saw enough of the Truth to know that I ought to take my own case, and before long got my reward by knowing that I was healed.

That was more than three years ago, and every day convinces me more and more that Christian Science brings, not only the blessing of health, but harmony under all circumstances, and the peace which passeth all understanding. I am truly thankful to say that my husband is also a Scientist, and several members of our household. We have a sense of the presence of God, the All-Good, which nothing can take from us, and which has helped us to overcome all kinds of evils for ourselves and others.

M. H. B., Yorkshire, Eng.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science Effectual in Acute Cases
May 16, 1901

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