each succeeding year we approach nearer to the final electrification of the main line railway, and to-day we are very close to the happy era when the steam locomotive shall be no more in the thickly inhabited section of cities.
Chinese literature is so extensive that a catalogue of the books in the four imperial libraries of the present dynasty classifies and briefly describes no less than ninety-three thousand books, and itself fills two hundred volumes! Although some western writers have described the collection as a whole as a vast library of Oriental conceit and a dreary wilderness of words, the Abbe Remusat, a genuine student of the Chinese language, wrote enthusiastically regarding their charm, saying he found in them "eloquence and poetry, enriched by the beauty of a picturesque language preserving to imagination all its colors.
Granite Monthly published in New Hampshire, for which I requested Christian Scientists to subscribe one year, is not adapted to the issuance of Christian Science literature, and it was not my intention to make it an organ therefor.
Baptist Watchman for September 20, contains an editorial under the above title referring to a Baptist minister who has been giving exhibitions upon the subject of hypnotism, and asks, "What should be the attitude of reasonable men in regard to it?
The following extract from a letter recently received from a Christian Science friend, emphasizes the growing spirit of cordiality toward Christian Science entertained by many of our clerical friends.
With a grateful heart I acknowledge the multiplied blessings I have received through the teachings of Christian Science and the study of the text—book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
In 1887 Christian Science awakened me from a sickly, selfish cynic, to the realization that in this present world, there is something that I can work for with all my mind, soul, and strength.
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