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A Thought
IN talking to a friend about her plants, I asked why such small pots were used for slips, and her answer was, "Because in larger ones the slips run all to root."
The thought came to me that the same rule applied to our spiritual growth. If our surroundings are too comfortable, too satisfying to the material senses, we grow in selfishness—we remain in them, and throw out but few leaves of Life and flowers of Love to bless those who come in contact with us.
If, on the other hand, our surroundings are rather cramped, our growth, instead of being retarded, continues with the same vigor, but not having room below in the darkness of earth (self), it is forced out and attracted upward by the warmth and light of Love. Instead of being manifested only in root it quickly develops in the form of beautiful foliage and flowers, visible to, and blessing all with their beauty of form and color, and their perfume of gratitude breathes out rich promises of a loving Father's care for His creation.
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December 27, 1900 issue
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Recent Advances in Wireless Telegraphy
John A. Fleming
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles T. Root, Mr. Simpson, H. C. Pettett, Charles H. Clarke, Edward A. Merritt, J. L. Walthart, James D. Sherwood
Editor with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy
Misstatements Corrected
Archibald McLellan, William A. Childs with contributions from WILLARD S. MATTOX
Among the Churches
with contributions from Emma S. Davis, Fannie B. Hunt
From Everlasting to Everlasting
A. J. F. Behrends
Concerning our Publications
with contributions from Ella Berry Rideing, David Petree, L. K. Butterfield, A. Florence Grant
The New Century
By J. E. Downey
Truth Makes Free
By Julia M. C. Tomlinson
The Friends we Meet
BY H. V. A.
A Thought
BY L. L. G.
Working for God
A Wonderful Demonstration
Ada H. Hammond
A Case of Healing of Paralysis
Adlai T. Ewing
Wound Quickly Healed
H. L. D. with contributions from J. R. Miller