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The Lectures
A lecture was delivered by Mr. Carol Norton, C.S.D., Wednesday evening, February 15, at Scottish Rite Hall, Madison Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street, New York City. His subject was, "Christian Science and Common Sense." The lecture was given under the auspices of the Second Church of Christ, Scientist, and took the place of the regular Wednesday evening meeting. The meeting was opened by the singing of our Mother's hymn, "Shepherd, show me how to go," which was read by the First Reader of the church, Mrs. Laura Lathrop, C.S.D.
The lecturer was then introduced by Mr. Arthur E. Stilwell, C.S., President of Kansas City, Pittsburg, and Gulf Railroad, who spoke substantially as follows:—
As the children of Israel were led through the desert by the pillar of fire by night and of cloud by day, so to-day through the desert of material sense over one million people are being led into spiritual understanding by the great truths that Mrs. Eddy has brought to this world. It has been truly said that no prophet ever came to this earth, but that the first thing he encountered was a stone wall across his path. And so it has been with Mrs. Eddy in her efforts to re-establish in this century the pure spiritual teachings of Christ. She has been trying to follow his commands when he said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel, heal the sick;" trying to bring to the world the healing power which our great Master came to give to this world. Thirty years ago her system was met with contempt. No one would believe in her ideas for quite a while. At last a few were healed; a few heard the glad tidings which she had brought to the world, or which she had rediscovered. Jesus first brought it to the world, but beneath the mass of theolgy and dogma it was hidden, and thirty years ago she found it, and to-day, through the desert of material sense over a million people are following this great light.
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February 23, 1899 issue
View Issue-
On Christian Science
The Lectures
with contributions from Clerk, Arthur E. Stilwell, Pleasant A. Stovall
Experience of a Collegian
Eloise Cameron MacGregor
"God is my Life, Health, and Strength"
M. D. Henry
Communication from a Non-Scientist
H. C. Baird
Unity in Omaha
C. W. Chadwick
Jottings from China
S. P. C.
From the Press
K. B.
The Sentinel
with contributions from C. Henry Clark, Emeline A. Merriaman
Christian Scientists
Lewis B. Coates
The Mission of a Smile
Waldo Pondray Warren
Waldo Pondray Warren
Questions and Answers
BY R. L. Z.
For twenty years I was a hard drinker
Frank C. Wise
On going home one day at noon, my wife informed me that...
Lyman S. Reasoner