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Christmas has come again
Christmas has come again —in case you hadn’t noticed—and its good news really does take precedence over all that’s called the latest bulletin and the “breaking news.” The Bible’s account of that first Christmas has a timeliness and timelessness that transcend the latest reports which pass so quickly into yesterday’s pages, whether paper or digital, audio or visual.
But this beloved Bible story of the guiding star, angels, the heavenly host, and birth of a child, somehow holds our heart’s attention as nothing else can. We realize it has a message for us now. It’s the wonderful news that what we’ve intuited, and hoped, prayed, and yearned for, is really true. It is the news of humanity beginning to waken to the factual reality of divine Love’s care for all of its creation.
Our glimpse of Christmas spirit may come as we watch a local church’s Sunday School kids attempt to replicate the nativity scene, complete with one goat and a bale of hay. Or we may be deeply touched by testimonies of the actual healing and saving power of Christ, Truth, in our own church services.
We do know that this is the message of Christmas and not the busyness, the buying, the clamor of youth or the sadness of age. In the words of Hymn 237 in the Christian Science Hymnal, set to the music of a 14th -century Christmas carol,
O may we be still and seek Him,
Seek with consecration whole,
Listening thus to hear the message,
Far from sense and hid in Soul.
We wish for all of you—our dear Church family and friends—the truest, brightest, most joyous Christmas ever, filled with the light of Christ, which is the light of the world.
We hope that perhaps you’ll find time to listen to a recording of some simple readings of the beloved story of Christmas, with comments by Mary Baker Eddy on what Christmas means. We couldn’t imagine anything more timely. Press the play button below to listen:
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Rich, Robin, Scott, Skip, and Margaret