Praying in a new way—and finding healing

It was Saturday evening when my friends and I decided to go hoop at the boys’ dorm basketball court at the boarding school I attend. At one point, I was heading to the basketball rim to make a layup when another player bumped into me, and I fell, landing on the outer side of my right ankle. It hurt really bad, so I left the court and limped back to my dorm room and went to bed. Fortunately, the pain receded a little, and I was able to fall asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I wasn’t thinking about my ankle. So I stepped onto the floor, putting my full weight on my right leg. Immediately, I felt extreme pain all through that leg, especially the area around the ankle. I got back into bed and thought about what to do next. 

I wasn’t very familiar with Christian Science, but I had learned that I could pray about sickness or injuries and be healed.

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