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Christian Science: Its Principle and Method
Originally published in the 1909 pamphlet titled Christian Science: Its Principle and Method
THE manifold benefits accruing from a knowledge of Christian Science are more or less known and acknowledged. That it has healed many cases of disease universally considered to be incurable by other systems of healing, that it improves people morally and spiritually while healing them physically, and that it has reformed thousands of sinners and drunken and debauched people and made them useful Christian men and women, are facts generally conceded and easily verified. When to these are added the further facts that Christian Science employs one and the same method for both regeneration and healing, and that healing is accomplished without the use of drugs or any other material remedies and without manipulation or physical contact of any kind, the investigator, accustomed as he is to associate the word science in healing the sick with the use of material remedies, begins to wonder how Christian Science can be justifiably so called and how it accomplishes all the good works with which it is truly accredited.
Because such a system is not generally associated with scientific thought, it is often asked how certain results can be achieved through a purely mental or spiritual method; and yet careful consideration reveals unmistakably that all human experiences, both desirable and undesirable, are the result of thought. Taking this fact upon the mere basis of ordinary need and its supply, we see that the farmer clears his land, plows it, sows his crop, reaps it, and sells it, all because of thought. We see that houses and cities and roads and railroads are all built by thought; that all the conveniences which surround us exist because of thought; that the books which we read, including both noble and commonplace literature, all prose, poetry, and fiction, are created by thought; that the music which we love and the instruments upon which it is performed are the product of thought, and that even the human voice itself, said to be the most perfect of all instruments, is but the response to the artistic mental call of the singer.
Not only this, but history and experience both show that evil thought tends to manifest itself after its kind. Differences of opinion in business, or in relation to politics, government, science, and art, are manifested as hatred, malice, jealousy, envy, and revenge, all producing untold misery for mankind. Even the gospel of the Prince of Peace has often been so misunderstood that various factions have sprung up in its name and, because of differences of thought or opinion, have involved the race in misery and war, sometimes desolating the civilized world.
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Christian Science: Its Principle and Method
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