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Christian Science: A Message Which Heals and Saves
Originally published in the 1917 pamphlet titled “Christian Science: A Message Which Heals and Saves”
Christian Science brings a message of spiritual healing, and declares in its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," that "the term Science, properly understood, refers only to the laws of God and to His government of the universe, inclusive of man" (p. 128). The literal interpretation of Christian Science is the Science of the Christ, Truth, or the exact demonstrable understanding of the truth; therefore Christian Science includes all science, and the application of science to religion is no doubt the most vital accomplishment in the progress of mankind.
Religion, according to the popular view, may be defined as the acts and forms through which men express their concepts of God and seek to commune with Him. But is this true religion? Do the organized actions of men constitute religion according to the standard of the Founder of Christianity? On the contrary, religion is a moral and spiritual fact. The apostle James said: "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." The grandeur and reality of Christianity, then, can be understood and appreciated only through scientific revelation, which is spiritual and wholly apart from the testimony of the physical senses. Men and women today may be faithful to their religious beliefs, but they are not relieved thereby from suffering and distress. It is evident, therefore, that they have not found practical salvation. The great Wayshower, however, taught humanity how to obtain this salvation and made his own life the standard of Christian living and accomplishment.
Consider the simplicity of the teachings of Jesus. He makes two all-important demands upon his followers, namely, to preach and to heal. These are the witnesses of true Christianity.
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Christian Science: A Message Which Heals and Saves
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