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Christian Science: Both Christian and Scientific
Originally published in the 1909 pamphlet titled Christian Science: Both Christian and Scientific
IT is not the purpose of this lecture to pass judgment upon the opinions or practices of others, however much these may differ from our own. In this free land all have a right to their religious views, so long as they infringe in no way upon the public welfare. We shall not criticize others, but present some of the reasons for the hope that is in us. There are good reasons why this religion commands the respect of the sincere and thoughtful, even though they are not of its communion.
Christian Science shows its faith by its works. It asks for no man's sanction until it has been weighed in the even scales of right reasoning and mature reflection. In the bright light of truth it has been accepted by a large body of Christian people, among whom are learned, distinguished, and successful men in every walk of life. Its fruits bear witness to its worth.
Its growth, in spite of early persecutions, is the marvel of the age. Less than fifty years ago there was but one Christian Scientist. Today the denomination has more than a thousand churches and societies, and its representatives are to be found in every state and territory of the United States, and in very many foreign countries. Its text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, during the first ten years of its history had a circulation of fifteen thousand copies. During the next decade these substantial figures mounted to eighty-five thousand copies. In the next ten years the demand for this remarkable religious text-book had so increased that it reached a circulation of nearly four hundred thousand volumes.
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