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Christian Science: Its Nature and Purpose
Originally published in the 1909 pamphlet titled Christian Science: Its Nature and Purpose
IN coming before you to speak on the subject of Christian Science, it is in full recognition of the great diversity of opinions you may entertain respecting economics, religion, philosophy, art, and even the sciences; but the coherence which enables such diverse opinions to yield to the larger sense of unity on the vital points of life and liberty, was forever fixed in that most potent and fundamental idea of our Declaration of Independence, which grants that "men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So we learn that the things which would unite us are more potent than those which would divide us. It is in relation to these more vital problems that I wish to speak; that we may reason together on a subject which concerns the life, liberty, and proper pursuit of happiness of every man, woman, and child.
Experience has shown that the numerous cases of physical healing first invite serious attention to Christian Science; but I might describe to you scores of these cases, without conveying to you much of an idea of the fundamental teachings of Christian Science. Indeed, the healing follows as the direct effect of a divine cause; but to raise the point that we have a text-book is to indicate at once that the teachings of Christian Science are expressed in comprehensive language and open to the impartial investigation of all.
As a religion we have no creedal dogmas; but in place thereof we have certain religious tenets—six in number—to which all must subscribe their names upon joining themselves to any church of this denomination. These set forth the primal facts that we worship one God and accept His Son, Christ Jesus, as the Wayshower to life and salvation; and that we establish our Christian conduct on the guidance of the inspired Word of the Bible.
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Christian Science: Its Nature and Purpose
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