Reliance on Spirit, not stimulants

Prioritizing my spiritual progress led me to drop the coffee habit. It felt so freeing.

The Bible tells us that God created us spiritually, in His own image and likeness (see Genesis 1:26, 27). In studying and practicing the teachings of Christian Science, we find that because we are spiritual, we naturally include the qualities of God, divine Spirit, such as inspiration, vitality, and life. Being completely dependent on Spirit, we are not, therefore, dependent on a stimulant for these qualities or for anything else. 

One common stimulant is caffeine. Seventy-five percent of Americans drink coffee every week, and 67 percent drink coffee every day, according to the National Coffee Association. Caffeine is also found in tea as well as energy drinks, sodas, and even in many seltzers. It has addictive properties that can lead to dependence. Whether we are wanting to recognize energy as a quality of God rather than something that comes from a drink or are seeking to glorify God in all aspects of our lives, prayer leads us to helpful answers. While avoiding caffeine is not a prerequisite to studying Christian Science, students of this Science generally strive to rely on Spirit rather than matter, not only for energy but for every other need as well.

Instead of leaning on caffeine for energy and inspiration and then crashing, we can experience a continuous flow of good from God. 

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
A deep, persistent desire to know God
June 24, 2024

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