Burns on legs quickly healed

Originally published in Spanish

I have no words to describe my gratitude for Christian Science and for the many proofs of its effectiveness that my family and I have witnessed over the years. I would like to share one healing that has been very special to me. 

Years ago I participated in an outdoor fundraising event in my community. I was in charge of preparing the desserts that would be sold. 

The day of the event, I was outside, standing over a wide, deep pot filled with boiling oil, making picarones, a pastry consisting of deep-fried dough. While I was preparing the dough, the pot of boiling oil tipped over onto my legs. I had shorts on, and the oil fell directly onto my exposed skin. I was able to quickly put the pot back into place, but a good amount of the oil had spilled onto my legs. 

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Testimony of Healing
Fatigue gone
June 24, 2024

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