Fatigue gone

I am very grateful for a healing that I had years ago, whose lesson stays with me still. I was about seven months pregnant, and my husband and I lived on the second floor of an apartment building. It was becoming difficult for me to climb the stairs, and I would feel tired and out of breath. This didn’t seem right to me, so I called a Christian Science practitioner to give me treatment for this through prayer.

His comments had to do with this statement from Mary Baker Eddy: “If we say that the sun stands for God, then all his rays collectively stand for Christ, and each separate ray for men and women” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 344). As I recall, he said to me, in essence, that each ray comes directly from the sun. The rays don’t rely on each other for anything; there are no piggyback rays. In the same way, my child and I were each getting all of our energy directly from God. 

This made perfect sense to me. I had learned as a child that “God is Spirit” (John 4:24, The Living Bible). And Genesis 1 declares that God made man in His image, which makes all of us the image of Spirit and therefore spiritual. As a spiritual image of God, my child was not getting any element of his life from me. Wow. I had never considered that before. It was such a relief! Immediately the fatigue was gone, and it never returned. I was able to take those stairs easily from then on.

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Loud and clear
June 24, 2024

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