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This diligent prayer helped me to deeply understand that my daughter’s true identity was entirely free of any record of the event. 
To follow God as Shepherd is to accept our own true nature—by listening and trusting God’s direction and seeking God’s guidance in all we do.
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Whatever abilities or knowledge we appear to possess are minuscule compared to the infinite capacities possessed by God, omniscient Mind, who created all and knows all.
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Here is a poetic offering that shows our tender relation to God.
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Spiritual forgetting

In pure moments of Christlike illumination, when we awaken to God’s eternal peace and harmony, both evil and the memory of it disappear.
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The answered call

This tender poem shares gratitude for answered prayer. 
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An “Even if” protest

Listening prayerfully to Love, God, reverses every “What if.” Love says, “Even if things feel troubling, I am here, and you cannot be separated from Me.”
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TeenConnect: Trending

Who am I really?

I felt comfortable being true to myself and the values I’d discovered.
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Testimony of Healing

Perfect timing from God

God took me, not just halfway, but all the way, including the healing of my leg. What a blessing! 
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Testimony of Healing
This diligent prayer helped me to deeply understand that my daughter’s true identity was entirely free of any record of the event. 
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Testimony of Healing

Praying daily brings freedom

While I’m certainly grateful for this quick healing, what I’m most thankful for is that I saw more clearly the importance and effectiveness of daily prayer.
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Bible Lens


Warning about the futility of human pride, Isaiah exhorts his people to quit their reliance on the devices of mortals and place wholehearted trust in God.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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