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Immobility healed
What a joy and blessing it is that Christian Science gives us the ability to recognize and live the reality of Spirit, God, as Christ Jesus exemplified it! As Jesus told us, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). I’d like to share an insight I gained last year that brought healing.
After a tumble on a ski slope, I lacked mobility in one leg and arm. Because I live alone in a rural setting, instead of returning home, I went to a Christian Science nursing facility. The Christian Science nursing staff were so helpful in meeting my practical needs but were most valuable in supporting my spiritual progress. I pondered what true mobility, or movement, is, praying about this for society as a whole as well as for myself. The Christian Science practitioner whom I had called for prayerful help encouraged me to turn away from the belief that any form of matter is the source, impetus, or enabler of movement. The Bible states that “we live, and move, and have our being” in God (Acts 17:28).
I began to pray for a better understanding of what this movement in God truly is. I thought of the analogy of a movement in a symphonic work. This kind of movement is an idea expressed by the musical notes and the orchestra playing them but is not confined to either. Similarly, as an idea of God, my identity or substance is not limited to or by a physical body.
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April 5, 2021 issue
View IssueEditorial
Keeping Watch
Taking sides? There’s another option.
Karen Neff
"L’Eggo” my ego
Ginger Emden
It begins quietly in the wilderness
David C. Kennedy
Keeping Watch
The healing power of fidelity
Robert Tokheim
How I found Christian Science
Scientific prayer changed my life
Terri Murdock
A healing at the beach
Immobility healed
Judith DeNoyer
Crisis averted during pandemic
Jodie Eva Cook
Safe after a fall
Janet Griswold Gordon
No more elbow pain
Robert R. MacKusick
Bible Lens
Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?
April 5–11, 2021
From our readers
Letters & Conversations
Bob Coleman, Diane Wendelberger, Gloria Helmuth, Nancy Street