I wanted to feel led by God, the divine Parent of us all.

How I became a parent

In my heart I always felt that I would become a mother.  I was never anxious about this. Three years into our marriage, my husband and I began seriously talking about having a child. Soon, I became pregnant. We were so happy—but sadly, there was a miscarriage. What followed was a consecrated time in which I listened to God in my yearning prayers more closely than ever before. 

I eventually stopped outlining what could happen, because I wanted to turn everything over to God.

My husband was resilient and a strong moral support to me. He felt we should try again. I, however, wasn’t so sure. As I thought more about it, I discovered I was afraid of going through the birth process. I also wondered if we had waited too long to have a baby. My husband and I were open to becoming adoptive parents, so I thought maybe that would be a possibility. All of these thoughts whirled around in my head like a merry-go-round. It was mentally exhausting, to say the least. I eventually stopped outlining what could happen, because I wanted to turn everything over to God. I wanted to feel led by the divine Parent of us all.

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Soap opera cravings washed away
November 29, 2021

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