God was there when I needed help

One normal Wednesday morning, I suddenly realized that my favorite toy—Ariel, from The Little Mermaid—was missing.

My parents had taught me that I can always pray to God when I have a problem. So I closed my eyes and talked to God. I said, “Please give me some arrows to show me the way to Ariel.” When I think of God, I think of Love, and Love loves me by giving me what I need, so I knew God would give me ideas to help me. 

Sometimes when I need help, I also think about the Lord’s Prayer and its spiritual interpretation by Mary Baker Eddy (see Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 16–17). One thing I like about the Lord’s Prayer is that it teaches me that God is my Father-Mother, who is always taking care of me. When I thought about God as Father-Mother, I knew I would find my toy. 

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