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From the readers

[TeenConnect, Christian Kongolo, “Beyond skin color,” JSH-Online.
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On the web: This JSH-Online.
God’s kingdom is in place universally, and His government is intact, stable, and demonstrable.
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Overcome the push of perfectionism

We express God’s goodness in the spiritual qualities that we already include.
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Shake off the dust!

Divine Love wakes us from that mortal dream state and helps us shake off the “dust” of mortal thought. 
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‘Not in my house’

We all have the opportunity to immediately deny harmful thoughts entry into our house—our thinking. 
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
I was brought up with Christian Science.
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God is always compelling us to leave behind the incorrect view for a better understanding of our perfection.
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One day at Sunday School my stomach was really hurting.
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Testimony of Healing
Wednesday testimony meetings in Churches of Christ, Scientist, have been invaluable for me and my family.
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Testimony of Healing

Cat’s sudden illness healed

We once had a beautiful calico cat named Pip-Squeak.
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Testimony of Healing

Leg trouble gone

One day, after a wonderful day of Christian Science nursing training, I was walking back with one of my classmates when I felt my left leg hurting a bit.
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In Love’s sight

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You are here

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'To Bless All Mankind'
Many Olympic athletes, of course, exhibit the finest qualities of sports, such as excellence, discipline, and teamwork.
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'To Bless All Mankind'
It’s so encouraging to hear how athletes have been taking a strong ethical stand for fair, drug-free play in the Olympic Games.
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Protest and progress

Prayer affirming man’s likeness to God can free people from all sorts of trouble.
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Bible Lens
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