When I was roasting marshmallows

One night my family was roasting marshmallows, and I put my stick with the marshmallow on the end into the fire, because I wanted my marshmallow to burn. I like it like that.

The first time I pulled it out of the fire and I looked at my marshmallow, I didn’t see my marshmallow burnt, so I put it back into the fire. The second time, when I looked at my marshmallow, I accidentally hit my hot marshmallow on my eye! It hurt. 

My dad and mom cleaned me up, and we went to see some Christian Science nurses to get a bandage. We called a Christian Science practitioner on the way to pray with us. We also sang hymns, because hymns are like prayers and help me feel close to God. I sang one of my favorite hymns at the time. It was “ ‘Feed My Sheep’ ” by Mary Baker Eddy (see Christian Science Hymnal, No. 304). 

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Testimony of Healing
Child’s burn healed
January 15, 2018
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