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From the readers

Share how you found Christian Science
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On the web: This JSH-Online.
You don’t have to accept what other people consider you to be.   
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Inspired relationships and interactions in our lives can come as a natural outcome of acknowledging and understanding our relationship to God. 
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Can we really trust God to open our eyes to His presence?
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God preserves us

Any time we feel at risk, God, divine Love, is at hand to preserve us.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth

Never unwanted

As a child, I was often told I was unwanted, unwelcome, even a “thorn in the flesh.
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One night my family was roasting marshmallows, and I put my stick with the marshmallow on the end into the fire, because I wanted my marshmallow to burn.
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Testimony of Healing

Child’s burn healed

One evening, our family was roasting marshmallows in our back garden when our five-year-old daughter, Alma, pulled her marshmallow out of the fire to inspect it.
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Testimony of Healing

Confronting obscenity

When I was in graduate school, I was awakened one night by a phone call.
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Testimony of Healing

Persistent hip pain healed

About four years ago I began to have some pain in one of my hips while moving or standing still.
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Rhythm of Life

Richly rooted in the rhythm of LifeFar above discordant strifeWe dance and delight             as our day unfoldsLoving and accepting             what God beholds.
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Life’s abundance

I’m grateful for Life, for spiritual things unseen.
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'To Bless All Mankind'

Latin America’s anti-graft earthquake

When an earthquake rattled central Mexico in September and dozens of buildings collapsed, Mexicans rallied by the thousands to rescue trapped survivors.
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'To Bless All Mankind'

Is truth dead?

“The question, ‘What is Truth,’ convulses the world,” wrote Mary Baker Eddy, an astute observer of the world.
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Consulting the pastor

Right away Science and Health began to make God understandable to me—the God the Bible talks about all the time.
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Bible Lens
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Bible Lens
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