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From the readers
[“The view beyond division,” Tony Lobl, February 20, 2017, Sentinel]
Thank you for this beautiful editorial. I have been striving to understand how to view the seemingly troubled world with Mary Baker Eddy’s words in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures to guide me: “Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick” (pp. 476–477).
Of course, as the article states: “Divine Truth, God, knows and reveals only one kind of individual—made in His image, as the Bible says. And we can refute the thought that anyone can be less than that Spirit-reflecting man or woman.” This was so helpful.
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March 20, 2017 issue
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From the readers
Pat Spencer, Melissa Frontczak
Maintaining spiritual altitude
David Oakes
The ‘oomph’ behind God’s angels
Judith Hardy Olson
Win the game, or win at life?
Peter Paciorek
A gentle prayer that heals fear
Pamela Hernaman
The fact of healing in Christian Scientists’ experience
from the Office of Committee on Publication
I kept trusting God
Cathy Edge
Healed of long-standing depression
Name Withheld
Aggressive cold symptoms healed
Susan Sage
Leg injury healed
Mary Samardzija
Brian Kissock
Seeking truth, 21st-century style
The <i>Monitor’s</i> Editorial Board
Truth and fake news
Keith S. Collins
Universal Love’s embrace of diversity and individuality
Kim Crooks Korinek