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My morning meal with my best friend
I love thinking about all the wonderful stories of Moses in the Bible. God speaking with Moses face to face and Moses listening to God’s commands. How he turned aside to see the burning bush, climbed Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, and obediently led the children of Israel to the Promised Land.
When Moses brought the Ten Commandments down from the mountain, it’s written that “when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone” (Exodus 34:30). He came down from the mountain a changed man, ready to share all the inspiration he had received. He already had gained much confidence in God, but it seems that now his confidence must have soared into an even higher trust in God.
Like Moses, we can increasingly experience “mountain-top” inspiration. When I pray each morning, and read my Christian Science Bible Lesson, I feel inspired. The more I study and comprehend the ideas in the Bible Lesson, which is a compilation of citations from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the more I understand what a wonderful provision the Lesson is, and how I can daily rely on the spiritual truths I learn from this study.
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June 13, 2016 issue
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Jeramy Shays, Samuela Orth-Moore, Niklas Peschke
Happiness now and always
Heidi K. Van Patten
My morning meal with my best friend
Heather Bauer
Halting hatred
Nathan Talbot
Guided by Mind, not opinions
Kim Haig
An invitation to churches
The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My ‘go-to’ Bible verse
Cindy White Zwick
A new comfort zone
Chandler Brown
Heart attack symptoms subdued and overcome
Jack Train
No harm from fire ant stings
Helen Farmer
Cyst gone
Marie-Noëlle Akam
Moral stumble averted
Name Withheld
'Pilgrim on earth, home and heaven are within thee'
Photograph by James Scott
A guide for building on the rock
David C. Kennedy