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Happiness now and always
When my niece was seven years old, she observed that I was “happy even when there’s nothing to be happy about.” Actually, our family gatherings always gave me much to be happy about, but I appreciated her comment and was grateful that she saw that happiness didn’t have to be contingent on certain events or circumstances.
Still, I’ve sometimes felt that happiness came in bursts that could last any amount of time, but would eventually be replaced with disappointment, worry, and frustration. Is it possible or practical to expect happiness to be a consistent part of our lives, independent of events or circumstances?
The discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, wrote much on this subject, making it clear that true and enduring happiness has its source in Spirit, God, not matter. Of her own experience, she wrote: “Every material dependence had failed her in her search for truth; and she can now understand why, and can see the means by which mortals are divinely driven to a spiritual source for health and happiness” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 152).
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June 13, 2016 issue
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Jeramy Shays, Samuela Orth-Moore, Niklas Peschke
Happiness now and always
Heidi K. Van Patten
My morning meal with my best friend
Heather Bauer
Halting hatred
Nathan Talbot
Guided by Mind, not opinions
Kim Haig
An invitation to churches
The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My ‘go-to’ Bible verse
Cindy White Zwick
A new comfort zone
Chandler Brown
Heart attack symptoms subdued and overcome
Jack Train
No harm from fire ant stings
Helen Farmer
Cyst gone
Marie-Noëlle Akam
Moral stumble averted
Name Withheld
'Pilgrim on earth, home and heaven are within thee'
Photograph by James Scott
A guide for building on the rock
David C. Kennedy