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These JSH-Online articles were specially selected for print Sentinel readers.


This is a short note to tell you how grateful I am for our periodicals.
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Perfect peace: Bipolar no more

"I never said you had to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I am with you always."
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Many people in our community genuinely love God.
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A glimpse of a divine idea dawning in consciousness can work what may be thought of as miracles.
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Where peace is found

We can see peace as a powerful divine influence, even when circumstances appear challenging or bleak.
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Spiritual Lens

'As time moves on...'

<div class="inline-quote"> &lt;div class="inline-quote"&gt; &lt;p&gt;As time moves on, the healing elements of pure Christianity will be fairly &lt;br&gt;dealt with; they will be sought and taught, and will glow in all the grandeur of universal goodness.
In the Christian Science Bible Lesson

What is church for?

The sacramental terms of the Christian church, such as baptism, eucharist, and communion, might sound old-fashioned in a world where interest in spirituality outside of church structures is rapidly growing.
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Sentinel Watch
Women are struggling for freedom around the world.
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You may find it advantageous to put your e-mail address in your member record at The Mother Church.
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I&nbsp;was on vacation in the south of France last year.
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'Put God first'

One day, I was at the playground running around.
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Testimony of Healing
Several years ago, my heart began to function abnormally, and my circulation seemed to be affected also.
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Testimony of Healing

No more cataracts

My driver’s license expired in September 2011, and when I went to have it renewed, I had to take a vision test.
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Testimony of Healing
My husband was driving us home one night when we hit a car broadside that had unpredictably turned in front of us while we both had a green light.
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Testimony of Healing
A number of years ago, I was the co-director of a Youth Camp in Ontario’s Algonquin Provincial Park on the beautiful shores of Whitefish Lake.
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From the Editors
Jesus was focused on permanently breaking out of that closed door—the tomb of mortality.
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