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My yearning to serve
Oh, I have felt His divine presence
filling the stillness of a morning,
freshly compelling me to serve Him solely;
It is when holy quietness washes me throughly
in simple, yet profound, surrender
to serving our God ...
not partially, not only when convenient,
nor when I can hurriedly fit it in.
Let me wholly yield up worldly ways and means,
yet blessing still my brother at every turn.
Let God's love, His wisdom, infuse my every thought;
let my heart's strong spiritual desire
pour forth as prayer, and my living
be evidence of divine reality.
Anchor me in dedication to You, dear God.
Let my minuscule mite—
my humble yearning to serve—
compound, growing and expanding
with Your infinite bounty.
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August 12, 1996 issue
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Christians journeying together
Joan Sieber Ware
No fear of religious extremism
Gail Haslam
"Pray for me"
Mary Gadberry Patrick
Dear Sentinel
with contributions from Eric Lines, Lori Lines, Heather Schaberg, Matthew Goacher, Heather Goacher, Richard Schaberg
Silencing complaint
Marian Cates
Divine Love casts out fear, ensures safety
R. David Robert
When prayers are answered
by Kim Shippey
My yearning to serve
Ellen Moore Thompson
"Thou shalt not steal"
Barbara M. Vining
Too much buying—how do you stop?
Russ Gerber
In the summer of 1994 I began to have trouble with my eyes
Nancy Jane Doty
God has been my only physician for fifty years
Charles Riggs
I have been studying Christian Science for about four years
Philipp Veselovsky