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I am very grateful for the understanding of God's law of...
I am very grateful for the understanding of God's law of good, gained through my study of Christian Science. Reliance on this law has brought healing, purpose, and joy to my life.
By turning to God wholeheartedly and leaning on His strong arm, and by humbly listening for His guidance, I was lifted from deep depression following the untimely death of my father. During this time I was blessed with the help of a devoted Christian Science practitioner almost daily. I also gained comfort and inspiration from reading the entire book of Psalms in the Bible, as well as the entire compilation of writings by Mary Baker Eddy entitled Prose Works. Upon completion of this study, by God's grace, I entered into a loving and stable marriage.
One evening our three-year-old daughter suddenly started screaming hysterically and said she had an earache. My husband and I acknowledged the fact that God's law of good is always in force. From past experiences of immediate healing, we knew acknowledging this truth was the very best thing we could do for our daughter. As my husband lovingly held the child, I telephoned a practitioner. She started to pray immediately. At my daughter's request I also called a friend and church member who came to our home and brought a calm, certain sense of God's presence and power. A few moments after we had all talked quietly of God's love and care, and had sung a hymn with the child, she regained her composure. Our daughter then bounded off happily and announced that her ear was all better. That was the end of that.
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January 4, 1993 issue
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The Editors
"Ye are not your own"—you are God's reflection
Gladys C. Girard
"Who's at fault?"—the recognition that can heal
Michelle Boccanfuso
Improving our self-image
Helen A. Del Negro
"... dust that dims"
Donald Hale Wallingford
Service and substance
Robert G. Lawrence
M. H. C.
A way to start over
Mary Metzner Trammell
Going forward spiritually
Barbara M. Vining
Some years ago when our children were young, I was elected...
Allan Laslett Smith with contributions from Charity Fletcher Smith, Arthur Laslett Smith
Just a few hours after our son was born, the pediatrician...
Julie L. Hammar Rosa
For many years I had an increasing feeling of dissatisfaction...
Ida Mary Macneal
I am very grateful for the understanding of God's law of...
Kristin Powell Bennett