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In Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Australia, Canada, Europe, and Asia, shortwave radio broadcasts of the Christian Science Sentinel and The Herald of Christian Science are reaching a large audience. We thought our readers might enjoy adaptations from some of these radio programs.
Christian Science Radio Broadcasts
Spiritual poise or pose?
Bea Roegge: Our thesis is that we can develop a spiritual poise that is so sound that we don't have to whistle in the dark or pretend to be something that we aren't. Today we have in the studio a friend from Kansas City, Missouri, Jean Stark Hebenstreit, who, as a teenager, began to find her spiritual poise and her understanding of Christian Science. Tell us about it, Jean.
Jean Stark Hebenstreit: Well, I was brought up in the Christian Science Sunday School, so I had for a long time been aware that God is Love, and that God is omnipresent, but I had to gain a greater understanding of the practical import of it in my life. One isn't born a Christian Scientist any more than one is born a pianist. There comes a time when each one has to reason through his own concept of theology for himself.
Bea: I'm glad to hear that, because I wasn't brought up in Christian Science.
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November 30, 1992 issue
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The Editors
Days without pressure
Molly Mary Virginia Larsen
Spiritual poise or pose?
Bea Roegge with contributions from Jean Stark Hebenstreit
Being certain of God's care
Sheila Rao
Gaining dominion over the demands of daily life
Marian English
Security and healing—in the embrace of divine Love
William E. Moody
Medicine and the return to Christian Science
Nathan A. Talbot
Larry Graves
We read in the Bible the assuring words "Before they call, I...
Antoinette Wiggins
While I was in college, I decided to take a year off to be...
Diana Isaacs Sturr
There is an article by Mary Baker Eddy called "What Our Leader Says"...
Melody Christine Morgan with contributions from Diana Morgan