Over three years ago, while I was doing some renovations to...

Over three years ago, while I was doing some renovations to our house, I was struck on the side of my head with a heavy iron bar that we were using to remove the stucco from the exterior. The force of the blow was such as to almost knock me off my feet, and for a moment I felt as though I were losing consciousness.

Quickly and vehemently I affirmed statements of spiritual truth, including these: God is my Life—He is here now, strengthening and upholding me. I am really His spiritual idea and therefore exempt from so-called material laws of any kind. These reassuring thoughts, along with several others, helped me to regain my spiritual poise and equilibrium.

In the days and weeks that followed, however, I began to suffer from periodic severe headaches. Although I prayed assiduously in Christian Science to see the unreality of this condition, it did not seem to improve.

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April 20, 1987

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