God Is Close

Betty had attended the Christian Science Sunday School from the time she was three years old. She loved to hear about God as Love and to know that God loves every one of us, who are all His children. She prayed to Him every night and got a great sense of His presence and care for her. Sometimes, however she felt rather lonely, as her brother and sister were both away at boarding school, while she was at home with her mother and did lessons at home. Often she would turn to God when she felt lonely and ask Him to help her. Then she would feel His closeness.

One day Betty's mother told her that she had arranged for her to go to a nice boarding school in London, where she felt sure Betty would be very happy. But she would not be able to attend Sunday School because her father, who was not a Christian Scientist, did not wish the school to know about Betty's religion. Betty was distressed about this, but she was looking forward to going to her new school.

When the great day arrived, it was all rather strange, and Betty didn't feel nearly so happy about it, because her mother was going to leave her and go back to the eastern country where her father worked. Betty felt shy and unhappy and alone. Then she remembered God and how close He really is to each of us. In bed that first night she prayed to Him and asked Him to help her not to feel lonely but to enjoy her new life. She read the verse from the Bible: "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."  Isa. 41:10; This comforted and reassured her. Next day she found another girl who was feeling rather lonely, too, and they were soon able to become good friends.

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May 18, 1974

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