in Christian Science is always the result of changing thought from mortal misconceptions to spiritual realities, of rejecting aggressive mental suggestions and establishing the pertinent spiritual facts.
examinations are often feared because they are thought of as presenting some unknown or obscure demands; whereas usually they present the opportunity to recapitulate or restate what has been learned during the preceding months.
Officers of branch churches and individuals who have occasion to correspond with The Christian Science Board of Directors, with the Clerk and the Treasurer of The Mother Church, and with the heads of departments of The Mother Church Offices are requested to place their addresses on their letters and to write their signatures plainly.
Christian Science Sunday services and Wednesday evening testimony meetings will be held at vacation resorts as follows:Banff, Alberta, Canada, Administration Building, Banff School of Fine Arts.
Detailed information regarding lectures in the United States and Canada must reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department nine weeks before the date of a lecture in order to ensure publication in the Sentinel.
A businessman in Geneva, Switzerland, replied with these words when a reader of The Christian Science Monitor mentioned having seen his advertisement in the Monitor.
a time when my husband was suffering from a serious disease and our teen-age daughter's demands for a higher and more practical understanding of God and my own great need for peace forced me to cry out for help, my thought was turned from sense to Soul in the most wonderful way.
I was about twelve years of age and living in a small community where there were few children, I was often bored and read avidly anything that came to hand.
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