the slave of wrong desire learn the lessons of Christian Science, and he will get the better of that desire, and ascend a degree in the scale of health, happiness, and existence.
the problems of material living seem so difficult that we may be inclined to think, What is the use of trying to win the battle when so many other throughout the world seem to fail and evil seems so powerful?
the ages evil in many guises—sin, disease, death, fear, limitation—has deluded mankind, but Christian Science, the Science of Truth, or reality, is destroying the delusion.
the spiritual record of creation, according to the first chapter of Genesis, God made man after His own image and likeness and gave him dominion over all the earth.
a period of months a young girl had a recurring dream in which she was terrified by an unseen, unnamed danger that lurked in the darkness and threatened to engulf her.
Christian Science Activities for the Armed Services, which include arrangements for regular Christian Science services, treatment, and other assistance for men and women in the Armed Forces, extend throughout the United States, Canada, and many overseas areas.
Church members privileged to teach in the Christian Science Sunday School strive to bring the Christ, Truth, more clearly into view as they share with the pupils the inspiration of the commandments, the Lord's Prayer, and the Sermon on the Mount.
over two years ago, when everything seemed a total blank and I thought I could no longer go on living, a dear friend gave me a copy of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
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