Christian Science came into my life many years ago, at...

Christian Science came into my life many years ago, at a time when I sorely needed help. Previous to this I had suffered for over three years from acute stomach trouble and nervous weakness. I was in a constant state of pain and depression and unable to find relief. I had treatment from three different physicians, one of whom told me that mine was a bad case and that I was not likely to live long. I tried different dieting systems, mental science (so called), electrical treatment, physical culture, and took quantities of patent medicines. None of these things brought me health, but instead failed one after another, leaving me more and more hopeless and discouraged. At this time I was a worker in one of the denominational churches, and tried faithfully to carry out the teachings which were taught there, but had become restless and dissatisfied. There seemed to be no message or help for one like myself struggling with sickness. Yet I vaguely felt that the many stories of healing in the Bible must surely be true, and I yearned to know and understand a God of Love, "who healeth all thy diseases." Thus it was in my extremity, not knowing which way to turn, that I read an article on Christian Science in one of the London daily papers. Through this article I got in touch with a Christian Scientist who lent me "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy and who patiently and lovingly pointed me to the simple yet wonderful truths of Christian Science. In a very short time after having treatment my health was restored. My outlook on life was entirely changed, and I began to learn how to live, and to realize and prove that God is a loving Father, giving nothing but good, and whose laws are just and kind.

During the years I have known of Christian Science its teachings have been to me a constant refuge, comfort, and protection, always beckoning one on to strive to live the pure and Christly life, to overcome self and forsake sin. The Bible and the writings of Mrs. Eddy are becoming more and more precious to me as I awaken to the priceless truths that they contain. I gratefully appreciate those messengers of Truth and good will, The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Monitor, founded by Mrs. Eddy and which were the outcome of her compassionate longing that all mankind might gain that knowledge which liberates from the bondage of sickness and sin.

Frank Hodgson, San Diego, California.

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Testimony of Healing
A number of years ago, while I was still a schoolgirl in...
December 31, 1921

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