The study of Christian Science was taken up about three...

The study of Christian Science was taken up about three years ago, apparently through curiosity. That was not because my need was not great but because I did not at that time connect Christian Science with my needs. Almost immediate relief from various chronic ailments followed; the most pronounced were constipation, indigestion, bronchial difficulty, weak lungs, and extreme nervousness. For all of these I had doctored for years and had reached the point where the doctor said medicine could not help me; it never had afforded any but temporary relief. Then came the desire to tell every one what a wonderful thing Christian Science is. Many beginners have doubtless had that same lesson to learn and I soon realized that my understanding was as yet insufficient to meet the arguments of the so-called mortal mind. My first exalted state disappeared; but I had gained a glimpse of Truth which enabled me to hold fast the little understanding I possessed.

My blessings have indeed been many and though never before in my experience has so much error been presented to me, neither has there ever been so much cause for gratitude. The freedom from fear and worry have meant so much and the daily increasing ability to know that "with God all things are possible" is making smooth many of the rough places. The interest in Science shown by my husband has indeed been a source of joy, and our little daughter, brought up in Science, is a veritable sunbeam in our home. When she was born a most beautiful demonstration was made,—a painless birth,—and that under what seemed very unfavorable conditions.

The literature has been of so much assistance, a real haven of rest in this day of sensationalism. My gratitude to God for His goodness and for the noble, earnest efforts of Mrs. Eddy can only be truly expressed by living the teachings of the truth.—

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science is indeed the greatest blessing that can...
October 23, 1920

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