It seems an honest query, worthy of an answer, which...

Truth Seeker

It seems an honest query, worthy of an answer, which has been raised by the gentleman from Ohio relative to the healing of animals by Christian Science. A complete answer would involve explanation of both the philosophy and science of Christian healing, a discourse far beyond the limits of a newspaper article. It should be said, however, that true healing goes much farther than the alleviation of pain or the restoration of physical harmony. It is, indeed, spiritual regeneration, the "new birth" spoken of in the Scriptures.

Christian Science teaches that everything in the so-called material universe manifests what mortal mind believes about it; consequently the beliefs of disease and discord held in mortal thought may be manifested by animals as readily as by mankind; but the cause is no less mental in the one than in the other, and healing is accomplished by exactly the same process. Every manifestation of life is in reality an idea of Mind, perfect and eternal. As this fact is recognized, healing follows, whether the discord be manifested in a human being or an animal. It is simply Truth destroying error. Many cases are on record of restoration of health through Christian Science among primitive people, so-called heathen, who have little or no religious perceptions. The healing of animals is a very common experience with Christian Science practitioners.

A well-authenticated case has just come to my attention of the recent healing of a mounted policeman's horse, twenty-four years old, and a great favorite because of long and faithful service. One morning the horse was found blind and with both hind legs paralyzed. A veterinary said there was no remedy, and ordered the horse shot. The patrolman's wife, who had known something of the teachings of Christian Science, asked to try that method of healing. A practitioner took up the case, and in a very few days the horse was perfectly normal and again in service.

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