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[Translated from the German]
My thanks increase to praise, and thought rises to the...
My thanks increase to praise, and thought rises to the throne of the Almighty! Like the Virgin Mother I can say, "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." This sense impels me to testify to the blessings I have received through Christian Science, which include my healing of a severe nervous trouble of six years' standing. Truth is the remedy that truly helps, the one medicine which healeth every ill; therefore we have faith and know that our sorrows are never so great but that God can comfort and deliver us, for He loves His children, and His will is to help and heal.
I look back upon my life as a dream of hardships and sorrows. Had I known of Christian Science, the burden would have been much lighter. I have been a nurse for twenty-one years, during which time I cared for many and very sick people. When I finally lost the ability to perform the duties which were dear to me, there seemed to be no response from the divine side. I often uttered the despairing words, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." When my sense of fear and suffering reached its height, I began to murmur against God and men. Twenty-two physicians, with many medicines, baths, and massage, had failed to benefit me, and I was becoming more and discouraged. Finally, I seemed unable to get along with anybody, as I then failed to understand that God is Love. My strength, yea, everything that was needed for the performance of what I considered a sacred duty, was seemingly taken away from me, and I did not then know of Christian Science. I was taken to a sanitarium, where the verdict of incurability was pronounced upon me. But God's ways are higher than our ways. For many years I struggled with my mistaken concept of God, till I could pray humbly, "Thy will be done."
When all material means failed, I heard of Christian Science. I then thought that my healing would be accomplished in a few weeks, as the practitioner gave me the comforting though that every one could get well who lived according to the rules of Christian Science; but it was difficult for me, a nurse of many years' experience, to get the understanding of Christian Science. My faithful practitioner showed boundless patience and treated me for years, at any time of day or night, writing to me very often, as treatment had to be absent; yet it seemed as if the physicians were right with their verdict. Finally, however, Truth prevailed. I found health of mind and body, and was able to leave the sanitarium and return to my family. The change that had taken place was evident, though no one knew to what my recovery was due. In my capacity as nurse, I kept the subject of Christian Science entirely to myself, lest my inner happiness might be taken from me.
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August 22, 1914 issue
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Conscious Power
Our Work
Clouds Dispelled
Truth's Steadfastness
No Material Weapons
A recent critic has for weeks past been insisting on the...
Frederick Dixon
Mrs. Eddy does not teach the immortality of the flesh...
Willis D. McKinstry
My attention has been called to a report in your paper of...
Robert S. Ross
In dealing with the subject of life, Mrs. Eddy's teachings...
Albert E. Miller
Words of Counsel
Mary Baker G. Eddy
"Not the author of sickness"
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
An Opened Door
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from W. E. Woodruff, Professor Odlum, S. W. Mitchell, Ernest R. Ringo, T. B. Hindsley, H. D. Gregory, Pearl Brown, Nellie Erb
My thanks increase to praise, and thought rises to the...
Marie Paulsohn
Whenever I read or hear read the story of the raising of...
Winnie B. Coulter with contributions from William M. Bruce
In the summer of 1911, I felt very unhappy, as I had...
Alida J. Manhoudt-Rinse
It is just four years since I began to study Christian Science
Eleanor K. Spurway