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Items of Interest
A concerted effort is to be made during the coming year to bring into use all of the remaining unused ranges in the national forests under the jurisdiction of the Denver office of the forest reserve. The forestry department seeks to utilize all of the accessible forage resources as far as possible consistent with the interests of timber and water conservation, and the permanent use of the ranges themselves. In consequence, practically all of the accessible areas within the natinal forests of Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota are now annually allotted to the live-stock industry.
That the attitude of the Brazilian government toward local manufacturers is one of protection, and that the protective policy is the cause for the high cost of living in the republic, are some of the claims of that portion of the population which insists on a complete revision of the tariff system. It is stated in influential quarters, not identified with the industrial enterprises, that Brazil has outgrown a tariff which places embargoes on importations, and which at the same time serves to enrich the few to the detriment of the many.
Postmaster-General Burleson has completed temporary arrangements for handling mail for Europe under conditions imposed by the withdrawal of many liners from service on account of the state of war in Europe. At least one mail each week would be assured by the vessels of the American line if all the big German, English, and French ships were taken from service. Ships flying the Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, or Swedish flags would be available at times to carry the Atlantic mails.
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August 22, 1914 issue
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Conscious Power
Our Work
Clouds Dispelled
Truth's Steadfastness
No Material Weapons
A recent critic has for weeks past been insisting on the...
Frederick Dixon
Mrs. Eddy does not teach the immortality of the flesh...
Willis D. McKinstry
My attention has been called to a report in your paper of...
Robert S. Ross
In dealing with the subject of life, Mrs. Eddy's teachings...
Albert E. Miller
Words of Counsel
Mary Baker G. Eddy
"Not the author of sickness"
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
An Opened Door
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from W. E. Woodruff, Professor Odlum, S. W. Mitchell, Ernest R. Ringo, T. B. Hindsley, H. D. Gregory, Pearl Brown, Nellie Erb
My thanks increase to praise, and thought rises to the...
Marie Paulsohn
Whenever I read or hear read the story of the raising of...
Winnie B. Coulter with contributions from William M. Bruce
In the summer of 1911, I felt very unhappy, as I had...
Alida J. Manhoudt-Rinse
It is just four years since I began to study Christian Science
Eleanor K. Spurway