I am glad to be able to testify to the many benefits Christian Science...

I am glad to be able to testify to the many benefits Christian Science has brought into my life. I had been a victim of stomach disorder all my life, and in the winter of 1861 and 1862, while serving in the Confederate army, I was stricken with rheumatism and bronchitis. I suffered great pain most of the time, and continued to do so for many years. In 1863 I lost my left arm, and the rheumatism seemed to settle in my right arm, shoulder, and wrist. Many weary months I lay in bed, helpless.

I was treated by many physicians, who kindly did what they could, but without affording me permanent help. In 1890 I came to the Confederate Home for rest and treatment, and was benefited somewhat. I was operated on for hemorrhoids, but received no permanent relief. After about twenty-one years of this form of suffering, attended by daily hemorrhage during the last eleven years, I heard of Christian Science. I called upon a practitioner and asked for treatment. The hemorrhage and pain left that day, and only once, eighteen months later, did I have even the slightest return. The other ills were slower in yielding, but rejoicing in the Lord I pressed on, and am today a well man. I am seventy-nine years old and am able to attend our Sunday and Wednesday services, having missed only three in the last year. I used tobacco excessively for sixty-five years, but now have no desire for it, and a large corn which had given me much pain has disappeared.

I am profoundly thankful to God, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for my knowledge of the truth which has made me free. I am studying the Lesson-Sermons and Christian Science literature daily, and striving to live in "at-one-ment" with Truth and Love.

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Testimony of Healing
It is just four years since I began to study Christian Science
August 22, 1914

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