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My healing was wonderful to us all
My healing was wonderful to us all. In September, 1895, I was taken very ill. A physician who was called feared peritonitis, and next day decided that this was the trouble. He visited me every day, and I had the best of care, but January found me in bed, and the doctor told me I had been at death's door three times within a month. I then sat up twice, only to go back to bed again, worse than before. In March I again sat up, or lay on the couch, and walked a little by leaning on some one, but could not be dressed as usual. I stooped over like an old person, and one day the doctor told me he feared tuberculosis of the bowels. Later, he said it had developed, and that the next step must be to have a specialist. He left a prescription, and went away. After he had gone, I thought it all over and decided I would take no more medicine, for if I must die I would spend no more money. My thoughts were more like hell than heaven that day, and when my husband came home at night I told him what the doctor had said. He was almost distracted, and asked for the prescription, but I dropped it into the fire, saying I would take no more drugs.
This was Monday, and our home was a very sad one. On Friday afternoon a caller was announced, who proved to be an old friend, a Christian Scientist. Six years before, when I was ill, she had spoken to me of Christian Science, but I had rejected it. She had now called on my sister, who told her of my condition. Knowing that "man's extremity is God's opportunity," she very kindly called on me now, but I was not at first glad to see her; being so sure I must die very soon, I wished to see no one. She, however, lovingly told me I could be well, that God did not make sickness, and said so many comforting things that hope revived. She inquired if I would like to read Science and Health, and when I answered that I would, she said she would bring it and show me how to read it aright. After she had gone, I thought over all the Scripture passages she had quoted, called for my Bible and read them. When my husband came home I asked him what he thought of trying Christian Science treatment. He replied, "Try anything, only do not leave me." On Monday my friend came, bringing the precious book. She said at once, "You are better." I asked her for treatment, which she gave. Then followed a beautiful talk which I shall never forget. Later, I walked erectly down the hall. Then I realized what I had done,—I had stood and walked alone, the first time for months. When the practitioner saw my amazement, she smiled. She came to me each day for a week and at the end of that time I took a seven-minute walk alone up hill. The most alarming symptoms all disappeared after the second treatment, and in twelve treatments the trouble was entirely healed. Some of my friends said the healing would not last, but it is now nine years, and I have been, and am still free, perfectly free.
A few months after this beautiful healing I had occasion to call on a doctor, on an errand for a friend. I asked him what he would call a sore that had come on my flesh. After looking at it he said, "This is cancer, and an ugly-looking affair, too. It should be removed within two weeks." That, I said, I should not have done, because from his standpoint, it would return in worse form. He admitted this, and said if it was on his flesh, he should not have it done. I then thought it time to go to my practitioner, which I did that day. Under Christian Science treatment the cancer was perfectly healed in three weeks,—not a trace was left. I now see that my own thought was largely responsible for that cancer. It seemed very real to me, because two relatives had this trouble. The wrong mind-picture had expressed itself on my flesh. I did not then know that the cause was wholly mental, but thanks be to God, that demon was cast out. I have now learned that the thought of divine Love, as ever-present and all-powerful, is vastly better than any material remedy, for it produces harmony and strength, in both mind and body. Words cannot express my love and gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, through whom God has given to a waiting world this revelation of Love's power, by which I was brought back from the very verge of the grave.—Jeanette P. Brooks, Somerville, Mass.
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August 26, 1905 issue
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True Discipleship
The Beginner and his Task
A Plea for our Literature
A Physician's Thought
Harriet A. Loring
Is Prayer a Reserve Force?
Alfred Farlow
There never was a time in the history of the world when...
R. Stanhope Easterday
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles T. Root, Mrs. Charles W. Sleeper, Henry E. Ruggles
A Grateful Recognition
with contributions from Nay & Abbott , Mary B. G. Eddy
A False Report Corrected
with contributions from James A. Logwood, Archibald Mclellan
The Question of Hazard
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Edwin A. Greenwood, Margaret M. Meyer, John E. Sargent, Mary Baker Eddy, Peter N. Trahn, Elma P. Jones, Blanche K. Corby, John D. Works, Kate S. Greppin, Flora Belle Johnson, Morris Philip Jones, Fred C. Wormelle, Clara D. Lyman, George MacDonald
My healing was wonderful to us all
Jeanette P. Brooks
It is now six years since I first became interested in...
M. B. Longcope
I wish to express in some measure my heartfelt thanks...
E. L. Woolley
I crave the privilege of bearing testimony to the healing...
Isabel Veiller
I have been a student of Christian Science for over four...
Gena A. Selberg
I wish to thank God for the many blessings I have received...
Cora L. Schweigart
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I acknowledge...
Florence D. Bartlett
My heart is filled with gratitude to God for the many...
Mary Broughton Bell
Seven years ago I was healed, and bought a copy of Science and Health,...
Jennie Thomas with contributions from Anon
Stephen A. Chase