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The Lectures
Bicknell Young lectured last night [September 17] at Greene's Opera House, under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, on the subject of Christian Science. The lecturer was introduced by John M. Grimm, who said in part, —
Most of us have been taught to believe that everything on earth, including health, should be held subservient to a proper consideration for the future; then how intensely interesting and supremely important is the discussion of that subject which deals not alone with health and happiness, but with our future state as well.
Less than forty years ago the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy first proclaimed that interpretation of the Scriptures which applies Scriptural law not alone to the saving of souls but to the eradication of disease and the saving and restoring of the peace and harmony of human life. To-day her church has nearly one thousand congregations and over thirty thousand members. This wonderful growth has been obtained during a time when all creeds and religions have been under the lime light of skeptical and scientific criticism. Volumes of testimonials have been written by God-fearing men and women of high standing and intelligence, proclaiming what has been done by this religion to relieve suffering and brighten life. Such a record of growth and achievement surely challenges the respect and careful consideration of the most thoughtful and critical of the age.
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October 15, 1904 issue
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Grateful Recognition
Divine Guidance
"All that I have is thine."
My Ambition
E. B. M.
The Scriptures tell us that "God saw every thing that he...
Clarence A. Buskirk
The Lectures
with contributions from John M. Grimm, P. M. Hatch, F. W. Sim, E. E. Sapp
The Mother Church Building Fund
George H. Kinter
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from John L. Roberts, Rosalind Roberts, Mary H. S. Lander, Alice S. Brown
Often one hears the expression, Is life worth living?...
James William Spencer
Christian Science found me, now some five years and a...
Edwin Wareham
A testimony from London, Eng., given in the Sentinel,...
W. S. Morris, Jr.
I would like to tell of a demonstration we had a few...
Marguerite Welper with contributions from E. B. N.
Not long since I was attacked with what might be...
Emile Rounsevel
Christian Science has been my Saviour
Sara B. Pollack
From our Exchanges
with contributions from John Hay
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase