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We are happy to announce that Hon. Joseph R. Clarkson of Omaha, Neb., has been added to the Board of Lectureship. This valuable addition to so important an arm of service is cause for congratulation alike to Judge Clarkson and the Field.
The lecture of Edward A. Kimball, C.S.D., appearing in the Christian Science Journal for May is now published in pamphlet form. One copy or more, each, 10 cents; 12 copies to one address, $1.00; 25 copies to one address, $1.75; 50 copies to one address, $3.00
A lady's watch was found at Tremont Temple on the afternoon of June 6. The owner may secure the same by calling on or addressing Ira O. Knapp, C.S.D., 4 Batavia Street, Boston, Mass.
Per Capita Taxes and contributions to The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., should be sent to Stephen A. Chase, Treasurer, Box 56, Fall River, Mass.
We are requested to announce that Edward A. Kimball, C.S.C., of Chicago, will continue in the lecture work. His address is 5020 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
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June 15, 1899 issue
View Issue-
The Lectures
with contributions from Edgar La Rue, Edith S. Darlington, Jessie M. Stringham
Disease Induced by Mind
T. W. Topham
Questions and Answers
A Student, D. F. M.
with contributions from Charles H. Fowler
My Creed
Frank Swee