The Lectures

An audience that filled the Opera House was present Sunday afternoon, May 28, to hear the lecture by Edward A. Kimball of Chicago. He spoke for two hours explaining the beliefs of the Christian Scientists, and referring brielfy to some of the things that have been said about them. The audience included all classes of people, but for the most part was made up of the class that think and take an interest in religious matters. It could be called an audience of the intelligent people of the city. A great deal of interest was taken in what was said, as was evinced by the close attention to the lecture and the discussions that it started afterwards.

Mr. Kimball was introduced by Mrs. George S. Durfee, who said :—

Friends, Neighbors, Fellow Citizens, Sister and Brother Scientists :—In behalf of Church of Christ, Scientist, Decatur, I am requested to welcome all who have accepted our invitation to this lecture.

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Disease Induced by Mind
June 15, 1899

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