events of the past few days, beginning with our preliminary meetings of Saturday, June 3, and continuing to the close of the Wednesday evening meeting in Tremont Temple, have a deeper significance than we are now able to comprehend.
At the Annual Meeting of the Mother Church held in Tremont Temple, June 6, 1899, letters of congratulation and telegrams were received from Edinburgh, Scotland; Kansas City, Mo.
the majesty of meekness, and clothed in the beauty of holiness, our consecrated Leader stood before nearly three thousand of her rescued ones, at the Annual Meeting, June 6, and declared that God's promised blessing was in that hour bestowed upon His children.
gathering on Sunday in this city of Christian Scientists from all over the world was a notable event as indicating the existence in an age of scepticism of an exalted belief in the possibilities of spiritual faith.
following extract from a recent issue of the Boston Traveler shows how the fair-minded newspapers of the country are endeavoring to present the subject of Christian Science in its true light.
fact that thought may affect the growth and functions of the body is coming to be regarded as a possibility by even the most conservative and material of Scientists.
Is it necessary or wise for Christian Scientists to purchase and read literature containing attacks upon Christian Science or our Leader in order to know how to handle the error?
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