Stilling the “I” of the storm

Originally published in The Christian Science Monitor’s Christian Science Perspective column January 21, 2025.

We usually receive very little impact from hurricanes where I live, but as a hurricane was approaching I found myself watching storm updates more than I normally would.

At that point I stopped and prayed. As I noticed how much unhelpful attention I was giving all the predictions being broadcast, a play on words came to mind. Instead of being concerned about “the eye of the storm,” I needed to still “the I of the storm.” This prompted me to turn my focus to what God was guiding me to observe and keep my attention there, while still taking the practical steps recommended.

I remembered a passage written by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer of Christian Science: “The ‘I’ will go to the Father when meekness, purity, and love, informed by divine Science, the Comforter, lead to the one God: then the ego is found not in matter but in Mind, for there is but one God, one Mind; and man will then claim no mind apart from God” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, pp. 195–196).

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