The real joy of Christmas

Every other year, one half of my family gets together for an early Christmas celebration. We have beautiful Christmas lights, delicious food, fun games, and of course, lots of conversation and connection. It’s that connection—so beautifully epitomized by the first Christmas in the gathering of shepherds, wise men, animals, and a sweet baby—that I really love.

But one year, as we started the long drive up to the celebration, I didn’t feel well. The drive progressed, but I didn’t. The way this was looking, I wasn’t going to be able to spend much time connecting with anyone. Along with not feeling great, I had a sort of foggy feeling that made it hard to think clearly. This was especially troubling because I wanted to be able to think clearly enough to pray for myself. 

The way this was looking, I wasn’t going to be able to spend much time connecting with anyone that Christmas.

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