One endless day

Human stress and strain is such a topic of discussion
That when I take it in I feel its heavy repercussion.
Too much to do, to think about. The world is sinking fast,
And anything we try to do just doesn’t seem to last. 

I try, but Lord, I’m tired. Please give me time to sleep.
And maybe You can stop the hurt that makes me want to weep.
Alone, I cannot do it. I never should have tried.
Replenish me with courage, and keep me by Your side.

I know You’ve never left us; I know You never can.
You’re always right here with us, for we’re Your image, man.
Since all that God’s created is good in every way,
The evening and the morning are still one endless day. 

One endless day before us! No shadows of the night
Can move the thought that guides us into Love’s unburdened light.
A journey never ending, with no loss along the way,
Gives me the understanding to see one endless day.

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