How Christian Science Sunday School changed my life

Would my life be the same had I never gone to Sunday School? No, frankly, it wouldn’t be. In fact, Christian Science Sunday School was in many ways a totally life-changing experience.

I had spent the entire summer of my high school junior year learning as much as I could about Canada and the United States in world affairs. This was a topic given to each high school junior in my home state of Kansas, with the opportunity to be selected to represent Kansas in a visit to Canada to meet top officials. I took the assignment very seriously and became one of three final candidates.

Our final speeches were happening on a Monday. By Sunday, I was a basket case. I’d never given a speech before; the other candidates were all top debaters; and the judges were our state’s leaders. 

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So this is why I go to Sunday School
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A gift for my community
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Getting all my questions answered

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