Stressed? Pressured? There is help.

It was the end of the semester, and I felt overwhelmed by the number of things I had to do. I was involved in many extracurriculars and was taking a very heavy course load. One of my classes was especially demanding. Of all the courses for my major, this one was known to be the most challenging and included a very important final paper. 

The paper was due at the end of the week, but it was hard to focus on it because so many other things seemed to be clamoring for my attention. I also felt a lot of pressure. Besides wanting to get a good grade, I really wanted to impress my professor, with whom I wished I had a more positive relationship. 

Feeling physically and mentally worn out, I turned to Christian Science for help because I didn’t want to feel this way anymore. I reached out to a Christian Science practitioner and asked for prayer. I mentioned that I didn’t know how I would find the time to pray because of how busy I was. But I said I’d try to take advantage of walks to and from class and other brief periods of time.

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