What Christian Science is and is not

Originally published in the July 1, 1889 issue of the Christian Science Series (Vol. 1, No. 5)

The question is often asked, "Is not Christian Science opposed to Christianity?" Science and Health contradicts this allegation in every line. It asks: "Are you living right, approximating to Divine Love?" Then is your Life hid with Christ in God and the harmony of Christian Science will unfold to you more and more until the perfect day; our explanations will seem clearer, and your good works prove what the understanding of God does for man.

Christian Science reveals the spiritual sense of the Scriptures, in which is contained the Science of the works of Jesus; it demonstrates Christianity in Truth and Love, without which we have not arrived at what that word includes. It shows how to follow all the footsteps of Jesus, in the healing of sickness and sin. It is the perfect demonstration of Spirit, the destruction of all beliefs of materiality.

Christian Science has healed more intemperance, licentiousness, and sickness within the past twenty-three years, than the united power of creeds since Jesus walked the earth. To the accusation "Its ministry of healing has for its ends conversion to a new creed," I reply: It has no creed, but leaves people to their own convictions. It has no system of begging money or men; the strong cry for it has been brought out by its benefits to mankind; it reclaims sinners in the way of His appointing.

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