An interview with Mrs. Eddy

Originally published in the 1954 pamphlet titled “Permanency of The Mother Church and Its Manual (Revised Edition)”

From the reminiscences of Judge Clifford P. Smith in the archives of The Mother Church

The occasion of my going to call on Mrs. Eddy in 1909 was that she had asked me to prepare the instrument approving a change in the trustees of her personal estate. One man had retired, and another trustee [Mr. Dickey] was to be appointed, making Mr. McLellan, Mr. Fernald, and Mr. Dickey the trustees. I prepared this paper in the usual form, and went to call on Mrs. Eddy, accompanied by Mr. McLellan. Mr. Leon Abbott, a Christian Scientist and lawyer, went as a witness, and Mr. Charles H. Welch as notary.

Mr. McLellan and I first had a brief interview with Mrs. Eddy, in which he introduced me to her as someone of whom she had heard but never seen. She said she had heard of me on some important occasions but had never met me.

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